Weather at the Club
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Weather at Seacliff
Ideal to visit all year round, but especially so in our sailing months of October to April, the climate at BSYC is best depicted by the BoM monthly climate statistics for Adelaide Airport, which is 8.6 km to the north of BSYC.
View the beach from our "beach camera" - check out the beach and water - click here
Bureau of Meteorology Links
BoM Marine weather knowledge centre
Latest Weather Observations for the Adelaide Area
Latest Coastal Observations for SA
Meteye – nearest marine grid point to BSYC. This 7 day, 3 hourly forecast is the best to use… it comes straight from BoM forecasters grids, but use in conjunction with the Metro Waters Forecast.
Meteye Spatial Forecast. Use the + button to zoom in, left click(hold and drag) to move over Adelaide and overlay Place names and Marine zones.
Adelaide Radar including Doppler Wind
Satellite Viewer. Click the + button to zoom in over SA, then under Layers, choose Lightning, Cities and Coastal. Then click the play > button or buttons to the left and right to move one image at a time.
Willy Weather Link
Willy Weather forecast – Seacliff
Gagey’s Lightning Safety Presentation
Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very frightening!
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